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Barcelona Restaurant by Llamazares Pomés Arquitectura Pays Homage to Flash Flash 50 Years Later

By Carlene Olsen

Can a contemporary reimagining of the storied Flash Flash restaurant in Barcelona, designed by architects Federico Correa and Alfonso Milá in 1971, make a statement 50 years later? The answer to this question is a resounding yes, according to the team at Llamazares Pomés Arquitectura, who designed the city's new Croma by Flash. Though Croma by Flash is heavily inspired by Correa-Milá's design, it stands alone, marrying contemporary aesthetics with vintage accents, including Leopoldo Pomés' recognizable "Flash" girl images.

The evolution of photographs—from flash to film to print—informs the design of the entire space. Yellow and grey hues, similar to those seen on a Kodak film roll box, catch the eye in all directions. "Although Flash Flash was considered daring in its use of black and white, ignoring even shades of grey, with Croma by Flash, it is precisely the shades of grey that become the focal point, together with the yellow color," says Iván Pomés Leiz, cofounder of the firm. "As an homage to the 60s, the bathroom features a typical chromatic range characteristic of the era: violet, green, orange, red and greyish-blue."


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